Tips to prevent dark circles

Tips to prevent dark circles

Big dark circles under the eyes?

After a busy night or heavy fatigue, dark circles often appear under the eyes and staring at us completely. Having dark circles under your eyes is not very pleasant because the dark circles give the impression of a well-beaten dog.

1. Eye Decongestion

Dark circles are often due to congestion of the vessels around the eyes. So, the first trick against the ring is to stimulate blood circulation to decongest the eyes. It is therefore possible to make a few finger movements around the eyes, like a small massage. It is a simple, fast and free solution for decongesting the eyes.

2. Apply an anti-dark circles cream

To do this, the application of anti-dark circle creams is necessary. They are indeed very effective as an anti-dark circles and allow to decongest the eyes quickly in order to give them back all the shine they deserve. Ask a beauty professional to make the best choice of dark circles cream. Don’t let yourself be blinded by beautiful product packaging and other marketing tips to make you spend even more.

3. A potato as anti-dark circles

A 100% natural remedy is to crush a raw potato (a potato) and apply it directly to the dark circles for 10 to 20 minutes. It is an excellent tip to reduce the bluish and dark effect of dark circles under the eyes.

4. A lot of vitamins A

To fight against dark circles, it is also necessary to consume foods rich in vitamins A. Carrots are best known for their excellent effect on the eyes.

You can also choose foods rich in vitamin A that will be just as effective as anti-dark circles products. We may consider fennel, celery, tomatoes or spinach.

5. A good night’s sleep

As dark circles are often the result of heavy fatigue, it is therefore important to maintain the 8 hours of sleep each day and to give the eyes a short break from time to time during the working day. If you work long hours in front of a screen, you may have even more dark circles if you don’t take regular breaks.

6. Milk Compress against dark circles

There are many tips from grandmothers to fight dark circles. One of them is the milk compresses. Indeed, milk is very effective for dark circles under the eyes. Its use is very simple because, it is enough to soak a cotton wool of cold milk and apply it on the eyes by closing them.

You will quickly notice a reduction in dark circles and under-eye puffs when you use milk compresses.

7. Cucumber slices on the eyes

The famous dark circles trick of applying a slice of cucumber to the eyes is very effective. This method is often applied in beauty salons during facial mask application. Cucumber helps to decongest the eyes and improve blood circulation around the eyes, thus eliminating dark circles. A very effective and inexpensive concealer tip.

8. A little cold at eye level

If the dark circles are really visible and you don’t have time to apply a cream or anything else, you can use your spoon to make them disappear. This consists of putting two spoons in the refrigerator and then placing them on the eyes to remove dark circles. Cold can relax the eyes and relieve congestion.

9. Make-up to hide dark circles

To hide dark circles in no time, the best way is to put makeup on. There are indeed anti dark circles creams that can be applied and correctors. However, great care must be taken when applying make-up because, instead of hiding dark circles, it can enhance them even more.

10. Green tea for dark circles

And yes, green tea is very useful to remove or at least reduce the effect of dark circles at eye level. So rather than throwing away the green tea bag after it has been consumed, simply put it in the fridge for about an hour. Then simply apply the green tea bag under the eyes to remove dark circles.